
Where To Get Datafeed Files From CJ.com?

Simple question but crucial : Where do I get datafeed file ? Datafeed is a text file with thousands of products descriptions and embedded affiliateID links for you to publish and receive commissions from your sales. Best of all, it’s free. Remember, in the past you had to pay 250$ just to get access to those datafeed. Datafeed is a true goldmine for affiliates.

Login to CJ.com -> Account -> Services -> Create Product Export

Create Product Export Datafeed File From CJ.com

Export Datafeed Separated With PIPE “|” Export Datafeed With PIPE Separated

Export Datafeed With PIPE Separated

CJ-Datafeed Break The 1000 Downloads Barrier!

I just release CJ-Datafeed v1.04. This new version get rid of footer links that I added in v1.02 and fix the first datafeed row issue ( column description ). CJ-Datafeed now validate if datafeed row is in valid format before processing it, thank to kaspar for is nice input.

CJ-Datafeed have now been downloaded over a thousand of time ! I Hope you all success.

CJ-Datafeed Plugin Stats

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