Posts Tagged ‘datafeedfile tutorial’

CJ-Datafeed Tutorial Video About Template System

CJ-Datafeed plugin feature a template system. Using HTML and special plugin tags to build your post from datafeed file.

You have to upload a valid datafeed file first. Datafeed is a text file fill with data separated with columns and rows. CJ-Datafeed only support datafeed file columns separated with “|” (PIPE). You can use example file ( Thinkgeek products ) find within plugin upload page.

Each datafeed file didn’t have the same data column fills. Hit preview button in template page to see which data is within the first file row. You can call column data via special TAGS to build post title, content, categories and tags. Theses special TAGS all start with CJ_SOMETHING. Available tags are listed in template page buttom.

You can reset template by empty form and hit update button.

See this video, sorry no sound.

CJ-Datafeed Plugin : How To Use Template With HTML

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